Soe Military - So Wee (Burmese: ஸுவிய்; pronounced [só wɪ́ɴ]; born 1 March 1961) is a Burmese captive and Deputy Prime Minister of Kurti of Myanmar after the establishment of the interim government, as well as President on August 11, 2020. The State Administrative Council, the Deputy Chief of the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) and the Commander of the Myanmar Army.

In May 2012, former Myanmar President Thein Sein appointed him to the government's working committee responsible for negotiations with the majority of Myanmar's opposition groups. So Win is a close friend of former SPDC vice-chairman, VP Jeral Maung Aye.

Soe Military

Soe Military

In 1976, together with Yeh Htut, he attended the cadet course at the Defse Service Academy, graduating with honors in science and literature. Graduated within the framework of the 22nd admission in 1981.

Military Records Blog

In 1981, So Win graduated from the Defense Services Academy (DSA) in his 22nd intake. In June 2008, he became the commander of the Northern Regional Command of the Myanmar Army in Kachin State. In August 2010, he became Director General of Special Operations Office-6 (BSO-6), which oversees military operations in Chin and Rakhine states and Magwe region.

Soe Win also urged the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) to become under the military command of the Border Guard (BGF). Despite several meetings between the victorious Soe and KIA leaders in July 2009 and August 2010, KIA did not become the BGF.

In September 2011, the Kachin Indepdce Army (KIA) accused Soe Win of ordering Tatmadaw soldiers to attack KIA positions in Kachin State, violating the terms of several non-aggression cease-fire agreements signed. So Win died in court saying that neither he nor anyone from the Northern Regional Command ordered the attack on the KIA.

So Win has been accused of several cases of corruption and embezzlement when he was commander of the Northern Regional Command from 2008 to 2010. profit margin. He reportedly accepted 150 million kyat ($149,254) from teak traders in China's Yunnan province in exchange for allowing illegal trade along the Myanmar-China border. In March 2010, he ordered Tatmadaw soldiers in Hpakant, Kachin State, to collect military taxes from local jade mining companies.

Soldiers March During The Grand Military Review Parade Ceremony To Mark The 67th Myanmar Independence Day In Naypyitaw January 4, 2015. Reuters/soe Zeya Tun (myanmar

Effective December 10, 2019, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on So Win under Executive Order 13818, which builds on and implements the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and targets serious human rights and corruption offenders. He committed human rights violations against members of Myanmar's minority groups. These US sanctions include freezing US assets and prohibiting trade with any US person.

About a year later, on February 11, 2021, he was also placed on OFAC's sanctions list under Executive Order 14014 in response to an attack by the Burmese military against the democratically elected government of Burma.

The Government of Canada imposed sanctions on it effective February 18, 2021 under the Special Economic Measures Act and the Special Economic Measures Act (Burma) in response to the dire human rights and humanitarian conditions in Myanmar (formerly Burma). Canada's sanctions include freezing Canadian assets and banning trade with any Canadian.

Soe Military

In addition, the Council of the European Union has imposed sanctions on it from 22 March 2021 under Council Regulation (EU) 2021/479 and Council Regulation (EU) 2021/480, which includes Council Regulation (EU). ) No. 401/2013 for the military attack and the subsequent attack by the military and police against peaceful demonstrators. EU sanctions include the freezing of assets under the jurisdiction of an EU country and the banning of attempts or transport to the countries. His soldiers showed great courage and skill in their battle. Working with the opposition, they raised the morale of the settlers.

Vice Senior General Soe Win Meets Chief Of Defence Staff Of India, Views Round Booths At Defexpo India 2020, Visits Shops Of Canteen

In June 1940, a new voluntary agency, the Special Operations Executive (SOE), was created to carry out the secret war. His agents were primarily tasked with sabotage and disruption behind enemy lines. They had great support from Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who famously ordered them to "set Europe on fire".

SOE's Director of Operations was Commando Officer Brigadier Colin Gubbins, whose interest in unconventional warfare stemmed from his service during the Irish War of Independence (1919-21). Gubbins was also involved in plans to create a sabotage force to operate behind the lines in any German attack on Britain.

Gubbins' approach to war included blowing up railroads, bridges, and factories, as well as promoting rebellion and war in enemy-occupied countries.

After a rigorous training process, SOE agents were sent to occupied Europe and the Far East to work with the resistance. Many served in the military, often receiving command training, while others joined directly from civilian life.

Myanmar's Pm Lieutenant General Soe Win Inspectsreviews The Honour Guards During The Welcoming Ceremony At The Presidential Palace In Hanoi. Myanmar's Prime Minister Lieutenant General Soe Win Inspects The Guard Of Honour During A

Women also participated. Some enlisted in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) to keep their secret work secret. They were the only women allowed to fight in World War II.

Unlike other special forces, SOE officers often wear civilian clothes. This means they can expect to be shot as spies if caught. They were also threatened by the German Gestapo, who were trying to extract information.

SOE personnel are often equipped with secret communication devices that function like ordinary suitcases. There were also improvised explosive devices, tranquilizers and identity cards.

Soe Military

Research and development facilities were established near Welwyn, Hertfordshire, where scientists and technicians worked on special weapons, sabotage devices and installations.

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The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), now known as MI6, viewed SOE with suspicion. Its boss, Sir Stuart Menzies, claimed that SOE was "unprofessional, dangerous and hypocritical". He brought the political power to bear on the new organization.

The SIS did not want the PPS to interfere with the work of its agents by blowing up bridges and factories. Similarly, Bomber Command was reluctant to provide aircraft for SOE operations. They wanted to win the war by bringing Germany to its knees. But with Churchill as their partner, the SOE, like many other wartime special forces, survived and thrived.

Michael Trotobas is a regular member. Half French, he was recruited into the French section of the SOE after escaping from Dunkirk (1940) and assigned to the Manchester Regiment. In 1941 he parachuted into the Chateauroux area under the code Sylvestre.

Six weeks later, he and nine other members were arrested. However, the following year he took part in a major escape from Mauzac prison and went on to found and manage "Farmer" based in Lille.

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From 1943, Trottobas successfully led a sabotage attack targeting the Lans-Betoun railway, the Armentier equipment factory and commercial buildings in Boulogne and Calais. In June 1943, his group destroyed the Lilles-Fives locomotive works.

Trotobas was killed in November 1943 while trying to evade capture after the Germans obtained his safe house address from a captured agent.

He was offered a posthumous Victoria Cross, but it was turned down because there was no higher post to testify to his bravery. This is a common decision for professional workers.

Soe Military

Violet Sabo grew up in London. He had a French mother and an English father. After the death of her French husband at the Battle of El Alamein in 1942, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His French background made him a good worker in SOE's French department and he joined FANI as a propagandist.

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After training, Violet parachuted into occupied France with her suitcase and fake papers, joining the "Seller" circuit in April 1944. When this group was discovered by the Germans, he was forced to fly back to the UK.

He returned to France during the D-Day landings, parachuting into Limoges on 8 June 1944. He helped resist sabotage of German lines of communication. This included helping to delay the deployment of the 2nd SS Panzer Division to Normandy.

Violet was arrested on June 10. After interrogation and torture, he was sent to Ravensbrück prison, where he was executed in February 1945.

In December 1947, her five-year-old daughter Tania received the George Cross from King George VI on her mother's behalf.

Jamaican Government Wins First Round To Extend Soes

The men and women of SOE carried out many other famous acts, including the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Schutzstaffel (SS) in Czechoslovakia in 1942.

In 1943, SOE paratroopers also participated in the destruction of the heavy water plant in Vemork, Norway, which delayed the Nazi atomic bomb program.

One of SOE's most important missions was Operation Jedburgh. Working with Americans from the Office of Strategic Services, his agents came to France immediately after D-Day and in the months that followed. His three-man squad led local resistance forces in operations that delayed the entry of German troops into Normandy.

Soe Military

Jedburgh and members of the resistance successfully halted the operations of the 2nd SS Panzer Division. They drained the engine oil from the group's vehicles, replacing it with seized abrasive grease.

Soe In France: An Account Of The Work Of The British Special Operations Executive In France 1940 1944 History Of The Second World War

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